4 Key areas that impact your Productivity
Do you have a problem with being productive and efficiently using your time each day? Do you have work piling up and continue to face challenges meeting deadlines? Is your family time being impacted due to limited or no time left after a work day?
In this day and age, it can sometimes seem as if time management is nearly impossible. As we grapple with maximizing our time and productivity so that we can balance our work and family time, it becomes more important for us to put some focus in this area.
We all only have so much time, and that’s not something that any of us have control over, however, we do have control over how we expend our energy in the time we are allotted.
In her book The Productivity Zone, Penny Zenker states that the four essential elements of being more productive are purpose, language, focus, and physiology.
When we are on a purpose that is beyond just what we need to do or what’s in it for us, we achieve a greater sense of being productive and feel that we are actually accomplishing something. Do you have a purpose you are working toward?
The language that we use, when we talk about the world around us and when we engage in self-talk as those little voices in our heads start chattering, when we use negative language, we set ourselves up to produce more negative conditions. However, if we become aware of the language we are using, then we have the opportunity to change the words that we use and talk ourselves into being as productive as we are capable. Are you using language that helps you be productive?
In guiding our energy in the time that we are given, perhaps the most vital gift we have going for us in the New Economy is that attention is the new currency, and the value we create in our lives is where we focus our attention. To be productive, we must have an objective and keep moving toward that, and in an age when Attention Deficit Disorder is largely our modus operandi, focus is an incredibly important trait. How do you keep focus?
Lastly, our physiology is also vital in developing productivity in our lives. It has been stated time and again that we are what we eat, and unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that much of what we’re eating is helping to become what we’d really like to be. But if you want to take care of your productivity, you need to start by taking care of your body, both by what you eat, the exercise you get, and the time you spend in nature.
To find out more about how I can help you with your productivity, please connect with me at Email: althea@beyondbananas.net or visit my link to access my PRODUCTIVITY MAX 1-1 Coaching Session.